Sunday brought heavy western winds, but otherwise fine sailing conditions. Those who planned ahead and brought many warm layers enjoyed themselves significantly more. Tom and Todd are modeling the layers necessary for staying warm on the dock.
Right around 11 am, our houseboat headquarters returned to B Dock. We were happy to have it back in its spot on the dock. The return also kicked off an afternoon of grilling and learning more about some of our customers.
The weather prediction for this week continues our trend of unseasonably cool temperatures. If you're thinking about doing some sailing this week, give us a call to make sure boats are going out.
Operations have been slightly disrupted by the construction in the harbor. Despite the houseboat being on dock, we are currently maintaining our office at 2712 N Campbell due to a lack of power! Hopefully we will have power by the end of this week and will be able to move the office to its proper location in the houseboat.
If you have any questions, just give us a call at 773.871.SAIL. We look forward to seeing everyone and enjoying a long 2011 sailing season.
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