In the meantime though, we're going to dissect the upcoming weather predictions for Chicago. Check out the current 5-day forecast on

Yeah, not looking so great. And those thunderstorm symbols are rather off-putting. But wait a minute, look at that chance of rain percentage at the bottom of each day! Despite a symbol for Thunderstorms, the actual chance of rain is 30% for Sunday.
The Chicago Sailing staff pays close attention to multiple normal weather reporting websites and we also check out wind forecasting websites. Check out's forecast for Sunday...

Not looking so bad after all! If the rain holds off (which at 70% odds, is a pretty good bet), we'll have 15 - 25 knot winds out of the south-west. Perfect sailing conditions!
So, read a little more into the weather predictions. At first glance it might look like there are some awful sailing conditions ahead, when in fact the reported prediction is just the worst-case scenario.