This past week served as a reminded us of two important truths. First, sailors are a hearty sort. With the worst opening-day weather
forecast ever, we called each of our Basic 101 students to offer them the opportunity to postpone class for a week. To their enduring credit, all of them declined our offer and voted to proceed as scheduled. Let us all give a round of applause to Eric
Bohms, Julie
Chluda, Wendy
Carlstrom, Andy
Kucharski that's them on the left with their instructor Bob.

And to Jacob
Olesen, James Manning, Michael
Vernale and
Palwasha Ghizalam for braving the elements to join us in this grand adventure that is sailing (that is them here on the left with their instructor
Sanjay). As we told them Sunday, they have lots of better days ahead; it could hardly be otherwise.

Here you see Bob's class warming up inside the houseboat with some of Ronan's special soup.
We remained humbled by the unpredictability of weather, especially at this time of year in Chicago. This week it is snowing, but 50’s are expected by Friday!
Chicago Sailing was host to a display of romance on Sunday as well. David Tabet chartered Hal’s Pal for a romantic sail down to Navy Pier with his girl friend, Gina. The relationship did not last the trip. By the time they returned Gina was no longer his girl friend, she is now his fiancee’! Chicago Sailing charters have become an increasingly popular venue for marriage proposals. Their captain, Ronan Adams remind us that our success record remains at 100%.