Our instructors get to spend the most time getting to know you, I'm sure you've found them to be a very social bunch. The office staff is also prone to story telling. Especially when it's you telling us about your latest sailing adventure (it's hard to get out of the office sometimes, so we live vicariously through you).
This season, we've had many new friends to add to the Chicago Sailing storytelling group.

Peter, Jessica, and Dennis recently joined our family - taking the ultimate sailing adventure on our Cruising class. They return to Belmont Harbor today and we are eager to hear all about their trip and what they learned along the way!

Andre has been delighting our Monday staff all summer with his sailing tales. He works for Cirque du Soleil and has toured all over the world. Many of his stories revolve around sailing, food, and drinking... They are definitely up our alley! For the last three days Andre has been sailing with our Dock Staff Supervisor, Jayme in the Rhodes 19 Nationals.
Whatever your story, please share it with us! We look forward to seeing you soon.