Friday, December 11, 2009

Office Tour

I've been quiet for a few weeks, partially because it's a slow time at Chicago Sailing. Donny and Kyle are working on the boats. Alan and I are working on brochures, the website and improving our services for all of our members.

One of our recent additions is a video camera. Our web designer is working on building in video for our site, here's my first try at giving you an inside peek of our operations! (You may have to visit our actual blog to watch the video)

What do you want to learn more about?

1 comment:

Clinton Harvin said...

I love the office Heather! The long stretch of desk and filing cabinets is my favorite part. It lets you guys work more closely together, I'm sure. And you do the actual repair of the boats at the same office? That's so cool! Do you let your customers get inside while repair work is being done?