It started off bright and early with three full boats going out on Club Sails. All boats returned (we always like when that happens) and the reports were of some amazing sailing conditions. 'Awesome', 'Amazing' and 'Far out' were some of the many good terms used.
Here you see our J22 'Catach' sailing back into the harbor. This boat was out for a private lesson with Rob as the instructor.
While we normally advise against sailing in the harbor as Rob was onboard we didn't mind too much and also as the boat was out of gas they really didn't have much of a choice. Imagine my surprise when i saw Rob fall off the back of the boat while he was instructing. As is normal in these situations it had happened before i even realised and Rob was back onboard even quicker than he had fallen off! It may have something to do with the frigid water.
Luckily for me i had my phone with me and was able to capture the moment as he got back onboard.
Typically when someone falls overboard (especially at this time of the year) they do not stay in the water too long. Once I saw that Rob was safe and uninjured the laughter came... and did i laugh!! Well done Rob, and congratulations on the first instructor swim of 2007.
This afternoon we had another proposal, this time onboard one of our J22's. Congratulations to Jeremiah Lange and his new fiance. We would like to wish them all the best in their future. Hopefully they will always have fun memories of Chicago Sailing and come back to sail with us in the future.
For the record (and for those of you that are thinking of popping the question) we have a 100% record for proposals at Chicago Sailing.... not one declined yet.
Thierry Faure and his crew of fellow french sailors taking out one of the J22's for a spin this afternoon... Thierry promised to take along his drapeau tricolore next time to fly off the backstay.
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