Saturday and Sunday currently have predictions of partly cloudy sky's with highs in the mid-50s and lows in the high-30s. Temperatures will improve as we kick off next week, predicted to climb steadily to the 70's for the weekend of April 28th.

Our wind forecast continues to feature the conflicted mid-western spring winds that we all know and love. The National Weather Service has issued a Gale Watch through tomorrow, in conjunction with the predicted building of northern winds from 10 to 35 knots over the course of the day. Luckily, the winds will fall off over the evening and return to a 15 - 20 knot northern breeze by 7 am, just fine for sailing in. Lower Lake Michigan will continue to see shifty winds throughout the rest of the weekend and early next week as they flip flop directions and speeds.

Boats are available on Saturday and Sunday, so feel free to come on down and join us for an early season sail!