On May 14 - 16, we hosted US SAILING's Instructor Training course. Participants in the course went through a rigorous training program in the classroom and on the water. We were thrilled to have 5 of our instructors complete the course and are excited for them to begin sharing their new skills with our students.

Maintenance is a constant project at Chicago Sailing, with most of the boatwork taking place over the winter in the shop. This season we've taken several projects to the end of the dock for extended repairs in the start of the season.
Our J/30 has had all of her hardware removed, top to bottom. The deck is in the process of getting sanded and will have new paint and varnish.
At the very end of the dock, is Parvenu. There's still much to be done on the boat to make it tip-top. The varnish work is beautiful and we love seeing that mast up again.

Our instructors have made the most of their time on the water, even days with light air. Brian Moon's current batch of students are expert dockers, after a little extra practice on a light air day.
This weekend will be a busy one on B Dock. We hope to see you soon, as we kick off the start of our busy summer season!