Summer might finally be on its way.

Other sailors have caught on to the return of summer, as you can see the harbor is starting to show a little more life. There are still a lot more boats that need to return. Soon this will be a bustling place.

Tom Macku started teaching a new group of landlubbers how to sail this morning. We're thrilled to have him back along with our other returning instructors.
In a couple of weeks Chicago Sailing will host US SAILING's own instructors as they lead an instructor training course. Many of our new instructors are taking part along with others from around the city. There was so much interest that US SAILING is scheduling another course later this season with us. Belmont Yacht Club (the bigger, white and green houseboat just north of us) is providing the classroom space. A big thank you to them for their assistance in holding this course!

Ryan and Alex met while taking Basic Sailing at the start of this season. They endured the cold and passed with flying colors, now they are practicing their newly learned skills. In another week, Sanjay will be joining them for Intermediate Sailing. I'm excited to see this team and their friends all summer long.
There's one week left for free check-outs and an extra free hour for your rental! It's time for you to return to the water.